Visit UTECO Luo Qiao song Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication标签 Nov12th连线加工,2012包装装潢 With lots of images about the UTECO,our group arrived at UTECO Company.Up our arrival,the company‘s officers receive dall of us warmly.The first impression the UTECO leaved to me was its lobby.The lobby here is so beautiful for its color matching.It would make you feel like you have into the paradise of the printing,though the UTECO is just aflexo graphic printing press and graphic printing press manufacture.承印材料 After about 10 minutes,the person on charge convening a meeting to introduce the UTECO.During the meeting教育,I learned more information about UTECO,such as the history of UTECO’s development,what‘s the UTECO can offer to us and how about the UTECO’s present markets.After that,we visited the factory.The experience of visit was also interesting.It was the first time for me to wear apair of stuff to protect my double foots.Through this action,I learned the fact that UTECO always care the safety of its staff and visitors.We visited one of UTECO‘s production bases.During the visit医药包装,the person on charge introduced its products to us and also did some practicing how the machine works and how to use the machine toget good products.We visited UTECO’s flexo graphic products such as ONXY,DIAMONDHP,TOPAZ and CRYSTAL in sequence.UTECO offers the wider range of flexo graphic presses available on the market.The wide range of flexo grafic machines manufactured by UTECO allows to offer the machines uit able to satisfy the needs of(each) every converter.Many innovations and different patents integrated on UTECO‘s flexo graphic machines allow to offer to the customers the most modernan deffective solutions for the productivity increase,as well as a strong reduction of production waste(s). Existing as flexo graphic printing press and garvu reprinting press manufacturer,it also know the importance of invention.海德堡 With the development of the society and the peoples’a wareness of the environmental protection上光,flexo press seems to be more and more popular and environment-friendly.Not only it will produce less VOC or even can achieve no VOC emition,but also it is using the water-based ink.So after their introduction to UTECO,I gained more information about flexo and gravure press.What the future may have in store for Chinese printing industries,it seems to be flexo printing market. |

总访问量:60666 更新时间:2012-11-30 08:37:59
简介:北京印刷学院副教授,毕业于西安理工大学。1994年5月至今北京印刷学院任教;2000-2001年在德国斯图加特媒体大学做科技合作者。ISO TC130注册专家,ISOTC130 WG12组长,SAC/TC170委员,编译《柔性版印刷原理与实践》,编著“十一五”国家规划教材 《印刷品质量检测与控制》、主编教指委行业规划教材 《印刷质量控制》、《印刷原理与工艺》、副主编“十五”国家规划教材《包装印刷与印后加工》、“十一五”国家规划教材《印后加工》等。参与《印刷技术 术语》等多项国家标准的制定工作。主持参与国际合作、北京市教委及横向科研十余项