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沉舟侧畔千帆过, 疫情过后百业新!

时间:2021-01-04 17:12:11来源:科印网

沉舟侧畔千帆过, 疫情过后百业新!


  灾难深重的2020年就要过去,许多地区还在疫情的黑暗之中,疫苗的出现,人们战胜黑暗的希望显现。新年来临之际,我们满怀期望, 谨代表凌云光全体同仁,向在过去一年关爱我们的客户, 合作伙伴及各界朋友, 表示最诚挚的感谢,致以最亲切的问候,祝愿您及家人新年快乐!期待新的一年共同攻坚克难,用崭新的姿态迎接新世界!沉舟侧畔千帆过, 疫情过后百业新!


  过去的一年,凌云人上下齐心,既努力抗击疫情又发奋拼命工作, 危难时刻实现双丰收

  过去的一年,我们为电子制造,印刷包装,科学图像,铁路交通,立体视觉,光通信, 激光与传感等行业客户提供了创新的方案,产品和服务。

  过去的一年,我们也服务先进科研领域。立体视觉方向,发布多人无标记点动作捕捉系统AI Motion,让运动捕捉演员摆脱穿戴设备的束缚,使得数字人制作更简单更高效,创造“劳动力”。生命科学方向,为全球最大通量基因测序仪提供核心部件,为病理切片扫描仪提供最佳成像解决方案。光纤技术方向,为集成光子和量子信息提供高端解决方案,助力国家瓶颈技术突破。



  过去的一年, 我们一心一意服务客户同时, 也强化修炼内功。梳理内部组织流程,全新升级ERP和CRM系统,引进IE项目, 公司全流程拉通,开始构建数字化的“凌云知识理性大厦”,提升组织效能,客户服务响应和满意度。

  新的一年, 让我们共同把握信息大爆炸和人工智能, 以及万物智联创造的历史机遇。凌云光继续践行质量兴业, 加大人工智能研发投入,加快智能化高性能的机器视觉装备开发,加速实现智慧工厂建设,为实现人工智能的科技强国战略贡献点滴。让我们携手并肩,向着科技的星辰大海, 快速迈进!

  凌云光技术 董事会:

  姚毅, 王文涛, 邬曦,杨艺, 赵严,顾宝兴


  New Year Address:

  Sailing through the Stormy 2020 to a Brand New 2021

  The tough 2020 is about to pass, although many regions are still in the dark of the epidemic, the hope of conquering the darkness has appeared with the emergence of vaccines. As the New Year approaches, we are on behalf of all LUSTER staff to express our sincerest gratitude and send best wishes to our beloved customers, partners and friends, wishing all of you have a happy New Year! Let’s keep working together to sail through the storms and embrace a brand new 2021.

  In the past 2020, LUSTER people have worked together to fight the epidemic and work hard to eventually achieve the goals. 

       In the past 2020, we have provided innovative solutions, products and services to customers in the electronics manufacturing, printing and packaging, scientific imaging, transportation, stereo vision, optical communications, laser and sensing industries. 

  In the past 2020, we have also served advanced scientific research fields. In stereo vision aspect, we released AI Motion, a multi-person non-marked motion capture system, allows motion capture actors to get rid of the shackles of wearable devices, making digital human production easier and more efficient, and creating "workforce". In life sciences aspect, we provided core components for the worlds largest throughput gene sequencer, and the optimal imaging solution for pathological slice scanners. In opitical fiber aspect, we provided high-end solutions for the integration of photonics and quantum information, and contributed to the breakthroughs in national bottleneck technologies.

  In the past 2020, our "Key Technology and Application of Encoding Camera" project won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award. Foxconn and Xiaomi strategically invested in LUSTER, based on the high strategic consensus in the field of intelligent manufacturing and industrial artificial intelligence, to accelerate LUSTER’s technological development in the field of industrial artificial intelligence and work together for a bright future for Chinese intelligent manufacturing.

  In the past 2020, LUSTERs new technology engine for the future, the "Knowledge and Reason Academy”, began to start its power. Its achievements in advanced light sources, advanced imaging and artificial intelligence fields directly supported the development of product technologies, built the new deep learning development platform, and establish the cooperation with top international AI teams in deep learning and knowledge engineering!

  In the past 2020, we have served our customers wholeheartedly and enhanced our internal ability simultaneously. We sorted out internal organizational processes, upgrading ERP and CRM systems, introducing IE projects, connecting companys entire processes, and starting to build up a digital "LUSTER Knowledge and Reason Building" to improve organizational efficiency, customer service response and satisfaction.

  In the upcoming 2021, let’s grasp the historical opportunities created by information explosion and artificial intelligence, as well as intelligent interconnection. LUSTER will continue to practice the principle of quality-oriented, increase investment in artificial intelligence R & D, accelerate the development of intelligent and high-performance machine vision equipment and the construction of smart factories, and contribute to the realization of the strategy of invigorating the country through AI technology. Let’s get together to sail rapidly towards the future of technology.

  LUSTER Light Tech Co.,LTD.